EXIM is proud to announce the success of the All America Initiative, a program created to support companies of all sizes throughout the country.

Despite the challenges and travel restrictions that arose as a result of COVID-19, EXIM persevered by pivoting to digital tools like webinars and video conferences to ensure that businesses continued to have access to critical products and services. At times it was a heavy lift, but the reward is knowing that companies are pushing through this difficult time, and that they are taking actions to continue to grow their revenues and sustain jobs nationwide.

In FY2020, EXIM staff has hosted or participated in events to educate businesses of all sizes including small business exporters, state and local government economic development agencies, small business development centers, chambers of commerce, trade associations and other organizations in the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories.

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EXIM helps businesses of all sizes.
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