2022 Small Business Export Report: How Are Small Businesses Finding Success Internationally?

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Have you considered adding exporting to your sales strategy? If so, you’re not alone! When NSBA polled small businesses, they found that 53% are interested in exporting, but 45% don’t know where to start.

In this report of the survey’s findings, you’ll get the insights you need to anticipate exporting challenges, and the resources to overcome them, including:

Market Research

In how many countries do small businesses typically limit their sales? Are there countries that are particularly popular options for American sellers? This report answers these questions and more, giving you the information you need to plan your export strategy.

Payments & Financing

Many businesses have concerns about accepting international sales and have developed practices to do so safely. This report breaks down what methods the majority use, what challenges they face most often, and what resources exist to help address these financing concerns head-on.

Government Support

When respondents were asked which government exporting programs they knew about, ~50% were unaware of any options available to them. Don’t ignore the resources available to you—use this list of 14 programs to ensure you maximize your support.