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What is a “Delegated Authority Lender”?
June 07, 2022 Eugene Uhm, Business Development Specialist

Often when traditional lender financing is unavailable or unable to fund a company’s export sales, EXIM’s Working Capital Loan Guarantees maybe an option. Asset based lenders (or DA Lenders) can help companies get the cash flow they need to finance their exports and help grow their company internationally.

If you have attended any one of EXIM’s webinars or heard a presentation by one of EXIM’s export finance specialists, more than likely you have heard the phrase “Delegated Authority Lender” also known as “DA Lenders”. DA Lenders act as a valuable resource for exporters who are looking to take advantage of EXIM’s Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program (WCLG). There is a ton of information on EXIM’s WCLG, but one important question we seem to always get asked is, “What is a DA Lender?”

The simple answer is a lender that has been pre-qualified by the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) to approve loans and receive EXIM Working Capital Loan Guarantee without the prior consent of EXIM. By being a DA lender, this status also confers expedited processing benefits. 

There are 6 levels of delegated authority, representing the dollar amounts each DA Lender can authorize on a loan guarantee. The higher the level of delegated authority, the larger dollar amount they can authorize. For lenders, the delegated authority program provides a significant credit enhancement in the form of a U.S. government direct, conditional guarantee of 90% of principal and accrued interest on the credit facility to the U.S. exporter. If you are a lender and interested in learning more about delegated authority, here is a free download on Delegated Lender Authority.

To learn more about EXIM’s Working Capital Loan Guarantee, we invite you to watch this short informative video: 


EXIM has been supporting U.S. exporters succeed and increase business internationally for over 88 years. There are Delegated Authority Lenders throughout the United States, for a full list you can find them here. EXIM offers free consultations on how you can grow your business internationally, to take advantage visit Working Capital Scenario Guide

EXIM’s Blog postings are intended to highlight various facets of exporting, but the postings are not legal advice, and are not intended to summarize all legal requirements associated with exporting.