Whitepapers & eBooks

Click the links below to view each document. To see videos or podcasts, visit grow.exim.gov/videos

ECI Guides 



Equity Express Select (EQS):

ECI Comparison Charts:

Advanced policy content:

Policy changes:

ECI Industry

Product or regional-focused guides:

Regional Guides

U.S. State Guides:

U.S. Territory Guides:

Journalistic articles:

WCLG Guides 

Market (Country) Guides

Joint with trade.gov:

Exporting Whitepapers

Exporting 101: 

Export financing: 


MWOB audiences

Digital Marketing

For internal or partner distribution only

Partner eBooks 

Created by organizations other than EXIM


Other Documents



Country Limitation Schedule

Effective Date of this Endorsement:
May 30, 2024

Web Resources

Select landing pages or apps:

Success Stories

General short-format case studies:

MWOB two page case studies:

MWOB one page case studies:

Old, potentially outdated, case studies:

PowerPoint Decks


General exporting:

Industry export overviews:

General ECI:

Advanced ECI:

Document how-tos:

General WCLG:

WCLG hypothetical scenarios:

For lenders:

Small Business Performance:

Safeguard Against Risk

Increase International Sales

Better Manage Cash Flow